Born and raised in New Jersey, Monique decided from an early age to rebel against her math loving family and commit herself to a life in the arts. Determined to soak up as much art exposure as possible, she has dedicated the past 20+ years to artistic based training, teaching and travel.
In 2009, Monique was awarded the Geraldine R. Dodge Artist Fellowship, which gave her the opportunity to study both ancient and modern mosaic techniques in Ravenna, Italy, the believed birthplace of mosaic art. The experience shifted the entire focus and direction of her work and since then she has been continuously experimenting with all things mosaic; from fine art to functional installations. In 2023, Monique received an Individual Artist Fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts allowing her to continue her training and exploration within mosaic art.
Monique holds advanced degrees in both Fine Arts and Art Education and has been teaching art in the NJ public school system for the past 2 decades.